The amazing prophecies of Benjamín Solari Parravicini

By Emiliano Conte and José Neiro Cortés


Better known as the “Latin American Nostradamus”, Parravicini was a painter and artist, most often remembered for his so-called “psychographics” doodles rather than his paintings and portraits.

He was born into a traditional Catholic family in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1898 and died in 1974. Throughout his life he made hundreds of these doodles (estimated around 1000) which narrate precise events during the last century. Most interesting is that many of the future events he described have already occurred.

When looking at the drawings of Parravicini and Nostradamus it is easy to recognize the unique skills and extensive prophetic work of these artists, but it is normal that people rigorously scrutinize the images and writings in conjunction with historical events. When comparing the two, Parravicini appears to have a historical advantage over Nostradamus because he did not suffer fear of prosecution from the French while making his prophecies. This fact alone permitted him to have a higher level of “precision” which allows many of his prophecies to be clear and simple to interpret, with unparalleled accuracy, announcing future events through graphics. 


There are other elements to take into account in these psychographics drawings. First, Parravicini’s prophecies coincide with the quatrains of Nostradamus, especially with watercolors from the "Lost Book". Second, they appear to correspond, arguably "symbiotic", of prophecies from the Bible; like the book of Revelation and Daniel. Third, they agree with the prophecies of some Native American cultures such as the Maya and the Hopi. To spend time studying these prophecies is an essential component to help deepen our understanding of the events that we are experiencing today. A movie called “5-5-5” has recently been filmed highlighting the psychographic work of Parravicini. The film illustrates the current and future impact of his work and can be viewed online. 

Fulfilled Prophecies

The drawings of Benjamín Solari Parravicini themselves meet certain conditions that make his work stand out over other known prophecies. Parravicini’s predictions are embodied in his drawings in black and white with a stroke style that is very unique and unrepeatable. Astonishingly his doodles are accompanied with a written text and year created. These additions to his prophecies end up being the anchor of the visionary significance that gives each one of them more clarity and meaning. Thus, the work of Parravicini gives a higherquality portrait over other prophecies, which leaves no plot to argue the criticisms that are usually said about them. With Parravicini, there is virtually no ambiguity in the meaning.

In 1937 Solari Parravicini announced the appearance of a character who would have great importance in world politics postwar division: the arrival of a man who would light the Antilles islands and at first would be frowned upon, but that over time would show who he really was. The graph clearly shows a bearded profile with a kind of cigar out of his mouth, the writing says "The bearded Head that will look like Santa but he will not be and will lite the Antilles". When Parravicini created this picture, Fidel Castro was only 11 years old;  making it virtually impossible to anticipate by any known method.

Also what happened in Spain was important to the prophecy of Solari, since in 1938 he mentions the arrival of Franco and his successor in office, Juan Carlos Borbón, crowned decades later: "Dominator arrives to Spain. He will destroy and build. Then a Bourbon will be in his place and he will depart, if his health remains, to Argentina."



Again, in the same year, Benjamín Solari Parravicini anticipated more events. Because the Second World War had not yet started, the Argentine prophesied in this drawing what would eventually happen with Mussolini and Adolf Hitler: “Hitler - Mussolini. With the same end, the same end”. Some even go further in their interpretation and they see in the picture a possible escape of Hitler in representing his head up, as if he had not been overtaken by death in that moment.

In November 1957 Russia launched their first terrestrial space being, a street dog named Laika, in such a unique and unpredictable event. However, Benjamín Solari Parravicini had seen each other almost 20 years before it happened, when in 1938 he wrote: "The dog will be the first flying".

The space race since then has been an obsession between the two powers but Parravicini had already anticipated in another of his pictures when he wrote: "North America. Russia. Clash of power between Yankees and Russians. Duel of space conquest and terrain. Although not enough, America will carry the scepter" (Benjamin Solari Parravicini 1941).

You cannot mistake his prophecy about the rise of China and its Communist revolution because in 1939 he wrote "China will be dominated by Russia and boost the yellows in Russian dogmas" From that moment, the impact of China in the progressive political world would be the same prophecy of Benjamin Solari Parravicini also would highlight.


It would be very extensive to show all of the fulfilled prophecy but some that are very clear are the invention of the television: "Domestic Vision! On the small screen in own home will be seen external events" (1938), or the emergence of satellites: "Arrives! A new communication system in the world through artificial planets" (1938). Perhaps his most important prophecies, the ones that made the name Parravicini known to the world are the drawings about the attack on the Twin Towers in 1939, over 60 years before it happened: "Freedom of North America will lose its light. Its candle won’t shine like yesterday and the monument will be attacked twice". Both pictures Parravicini drew about the same event are very clear, because they put the statue of liberty as a site for the attack (New York), and even show statue / tower "bandaged", symbol of darkening and loss of freedoms that are given during the Bush administration with the excuse of terrorism.

Prophecies of inminent fulfillment

Out of the work of Parravicini arises some obvious questions and perhaps the most important thing to contemplate: If Parravicini hit so accurately what has happened, and there are prophecies still announcing things to come, then in which time are we currently in?

It is very difficult to limit his work to one theme, and there is virtually no issue which has not been touched by his prophecies. But there are some who seem to be more important, including international conflict, the war in Europe, the schism within the Church, and the decline of moral values ​​in humanity. However, the most important issue is the great spiritual change that it starts to take time of great tribulation for the man: "The new man will create a new awareness of God". He also refers to internal changes in man. "Only one tenth of the human brain works. When the man place his "whole" brain, you know, see, understand the Cosmos. With him speak! "

His prophecies include more emphasis to countries like USA, Russia, Spain, Italy, England, Germany, France, and the emergence of China and the Middle East. Latin America is perhaps the scene that stands out in his prophecy more insistently, as is the importance of repetitive Argentina.


Russian advance on Europe

One issue of particular importance in Parravicini has been the great eastern country. There are many prophecies that refer to "BEAR" and the sea, including the dispute with the NATO countries, which at this time begin to take on greater meaning in light of the conflict in Ukraine. More information at:


Schism in the Catholic Church

Like the Lost Book of Nostradamus, Benjamín Solari Parravicini pays special attention to events happening within the Roman Catholic Church. Several prophecies referenced on this theme speak of a strong division and schism where the sides are specified: "Blind Church. Rome in misery, disaster falls ducal city. Secrecy in the neighborhood of Naples. Disorientation in the Vatican. The church is sinking, the Pope will, but later will be popularized. Reforms scare Catholics. The young priests face the current power elite which domain. New Church. New ways. Secret meetings in fights. Tomorrow will be a return to the catacombs" (Benjamín Solari Parravicini 1938). According to our interpretation, a graphic even anticipates the presence of Bergoglio as pope drawing in one of their pictures and reference him as "Argentine chair." You can learn more about this interpretation in this link:

The war of the Caribbean

The emergence of a world government has also been a focus of Parravicini’s prophecies. In one of his psychographics in 1938 says: "Classes will arise - will fight in wars - the world will bleed and dictators will dominate but will die! The world marches towards a single world government". In this context he prophesied of the coming war. According to his own interpretation, the Great War will start in the Caribbean and will be a short war, about 5 months, and will leave wounds of great confrontation. In 1938, he wrote about a character that would appear in America bringing the fire of war on the world: "66. In American stove will be lit by the new black".




Details of a great future for the surviving humanity

Some of his prophecies tell of the coming time, after the great tribulation, which emerge a more spiritual humanity that greatly exceed all limitations of the past. Some of them say: The mechanical brain, governs and will govern until hunger, until the fall of gold, until the fall of man, then it will be broken by man on ... resurrection.


- "The new era" notes that in the distance a civilization that was in a past millennium and that it is about to reach the World Earth, after 2000. It will be in love, based on talented men and mother women.

'The world changed will hold new lands, new plants, one language, one government and one universal God - Christ. The virgin lands, which were until Cataclysm cosmopolis giants, will be grown with new cement appeared along with the oceans. The mangarinas Carcos and food will be placed in suitable for fortification pills. The animals of "butchering" no longer be. People will live of the sea. Loaves & Fishes will be said, but he will eat tablets, since gluttony have disappeared.

The man of 2002 will be cerebral, metallized fortify cities. The gold does not exist, the struggle for existence does not exist. Will the perfectly organized man will have gone as bossy ambition, luxury, etc. there will be not. Love of neighbor is true and the world will live in hugs. For a thousand years, the evil will be banished from the world and these thousand years peace will be in love and men know and visit their planetary brothers. The brain of 2002 will be that prevails today in Venus.


Download all full psychographics:!MgkyAbaK!cFeNhHEfYxoa2BMmzv66ViC1La4qw8ghPF3KC-brVBE


Emiliano Conte is an Argentine journalist and lecturer with a Bachelor of Social Communication from the National University of Quilmes in Buenos Aires. He began his journalism career working in the newspaper Página 12 and later was editor of the newspaper Clarín, pulled from the city of La Plata during 2007. In 2009 began a trip to South America ( which led him to investigate various prophecies, which he has become known for with his lectures in more than 40 cities in different countries.


José Neiro Cortés Guarnizo, is a researcher and lecturer. He was born in Colombia, and during his life he has worked as an Business Administrator and advisor in the banking and cooperative sector, and as Professional in Computer and Systems. Since 1996 he has been investigating world Prophecy, the acculturation of our people and human behavior. Within this path he has toured several countries in Latin America, Europe and Asia.


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